Fludrex is considered one of the effective medicines that contribute to the elimination of annoying cold symptoms, thanks to its formula that contains many active substances that rid the body of bacteria and viruses that cause influenza infection and the accompanying other symptoms such as fever and others.
Blocked nose (Hypertonic) is a medical device and is recommended for children over 3 years and adults to provide natural relief from nasal congestion (common colds, rhinopharyngitis, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis). It limits the risk of superinfection from the nasal cavity also cleanses to enhance the action of medicated treatments.
Blocked nose (Hypertonic) is a hypertonic filtered seawater solution
100 % natural, drug and preservative-free.
Rich in minerals salts and marine trace elements, with additional copper and manganese.
It limits the risk of infectious and allergic reactions.
Hypertonic solution: a solution with a higher salt concentration than within the body cells which allows natural nose decongestion (“The osmotic effect”)