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  • Sale! YookidooTapNPlayMusicalPlaneCowYookidooTapNPlayMusicalPlaneCow

    Yookidoo Tap ‘N’ Play Musical Plane Cow

    Original price was: KD 7.200.Current price is: KD 6.480.

    Yookidoo musical plane cow multi-textured and its friendly pilot are taking off for a world of exploration. With motion-activated sound, music, and lots to see and do every stroller ride is going to feel like an adventure.

    • Introduces children to cause and effect processes.
    • Develops auditory and visual skills.
    • Enhances tactile stimulation.
    • Promotes gross motor skills.


    Recommended Age: 0 months and above.

  • Sale! YookidooTumbleBallStackerYookidooTumbleBallStacker

    Yookidoo Tumble Ball Stacker

    Original price was: KD 12.600.Current price is: KD 11.340.

    Yookidoo stacks up a tower and lets the ball tumble through the tunnel slide, flapping wings as it goes.

    • Balls surprise with randomly exiting from one of the two openings.
    • 5 colorful stackers, each with a clicking or rattling activity.
    • Flower funnel head with soft petals and crinkly wings.
    • 3 friendly rattling balls drop down the center.
    • Soft crinkly wings flap as pass through.


    Recommended Age: 9-24 months


  • Sale! YookidooReadyFreddySprayNSprinkleYookidooReadyFreddySprayNSprinkle

    Yookidoo Ready Freddy Spray ‘N’ Sprinkle

    Original price was: KD 14.400.Current price is: KD 12.960.

    Yookidoo-ready freddy sprays and sprinkle is battery-operated, this action-packed spray bath toy comes with all the accessories a firefighter needs, recirculating the bath water for hours of roleplay, discovery, and fun.

    • Encourage independent play.
    • Specially made for small hands.
    • Exploration and discovery.


    Recommended Age: 3-6 years.

  • Sale! YookidooShapeNSpinGearSorter

    Yookidoo Shape ‘N’ Spin Gear Sorter

    Original price was: KD 6.500.Current price is: KD 5.850.

    Yookidoo shape and spin gear sorter is delightful machine learning in miniature as your child spins this matching-shaped toy and generates multiple gear reactions.

    • Develops manual dexterity, hand-eye coordination, and fine motor skills.
    • Promotes stem learning counting and attributing.
    • Enhances visual and tactile sensorial development.
    • Boosts cognitive skills and creativity.
    • Teaches cause and effect.


    Recommended Age: 1-3 years.